One of the most critical decision to study in personality psychology, is the best way to distribute the system. A complex system such as personality can be validly divided into more than one way. The Systems Framework for Personality Psychology (SFPP) indicates a number of innovations with regard to understanding the personality structure.
First, the complex system can be divided into more than one correct way. Second, not all branches of equal validity. Third, the standards divised (known) good divisions (Mayer, 2001).
Can Be attentive spread over a valid Way
Consider the analogy with other complex systems - a city. An urban structure can be interpreted in a variety of appropriate ways. Several maps are describing different aspects of the structure. In the case of Manhattan, for example, a valid structural description is a subway system ...
Also distributed to multiple systems
There are several ways to work the split personality. Well before the advent of modern psychology, Moses Mendelsohn is divided into character motivations, emotions and cognition (Hilgard, 1981). Freud divided personality to deliberate, to deliberate and incidental, and later, the id, ego and superego I (Freud, 1923/1960). More recently, the use of some psychologists suggested that the identity is divided into Big 5 traits (Goldberg, 1993, Costa & McCrae, 1985).
The Systems Framework for Personality Psychology leave the field to the various branches of mankind to combine the understanding of the different Division serve different purposes. For example Freud's division of mind to help distinguish between the different areas of the personality of other than their level-of-processing. Because the ID early evolutionary development process represents the ego represents later changed process. Division of Mendelssohn, on the other hand, focuses on the basic functions of personality - the main tasks that sign. That is, the motivational system helps direct the body, emotions help navigate the social world, and contributes to cognition and reason to understand the abstract world in general. The Custom Big Five divisions, on the other hand, is distributed according to the most common style of the perceived social expression (Mayer, 2001). At the same time as Systems Framework makes it possible to see the interaction and the objectives of the branch, it also proposes that the branches are not all equal. Instead, there are better and worse mind division.
Any significant sections of the spirit as above, must meet certain criteria as regards the form of a major division of mankind.